Data Visualisation, The Dark Web and Lightning Talks... Interested?

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Image credits: K8


Tuesday 19th March 2019 marks the first (of what hopefully will become many) "North West Tech Talk" events, hosted at our awesome new offices at work at (if you see a desk with loads of red noses on top of the main monitor in a corner somewhere, you've found my battlefield) in wet & windy Bolton (but don't let that put you off, we do have a roof).

You can find more information about the event, as well as sign up for it here.

As you can make out from the title, the main two talks will be:

  • Data Visualisation: Best Practices, do's and don'ts by Johnny Winter
  • Peeling back the onion: A look at Tor and the Dark Web by Ben Sloan (Disclaimer: No onions will be hurt in the making of this tech talk.)

After a break for food (probably pizza?!) they will then be followed by a couple of lightning talks:

  • Don't make me think! by Gavin Sayer
  • Knowledge++ by Karam Kabbara (Hint: 🙋‍♂️)
  • Risk in Development by Gareth Lowe


My talk is a lightning talk, so hopefully it shouldn't take longer than a couple of minutes! I basically plan to go on a bit of a rant about how as people in tech and software developers in particular, we often take our "circle of life" for granted and as a result, we should all be aiming to give back more if not to the wider community, then at least our very own colleagues.

I then go on to acknowledge some of the issues that hold people back regarding knowledge sharing such as a fear of public speaking and look at alternative people can still impact those around them.

Conclusively, the point that I steer towards is that if we all put a little bit of extra effort in and do our little bit of knowledge sharing (because what goes around comes around, right?) in whatever way makes us more comfortable, the results can have a wider impact than many actually realise, which in return also automatically impacts customers positively.

It might seem obvious, but more than often people become oblivious towards what impact they can really have on others. We also then take a sneak peek at the AO.Knowledgeshare application I have been entertaining myself with during my free time.




See you there, yeah? 👋

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